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Pydantic models used for defining V1 schema of Routine.

NAME_PATTERN module-attribute

NAME_PATTERN = '[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*'







CONNECTION_PATTERN module-attribute


T module-attribute

T = TypeVar('T')

CONNECTION_SCHEMA module-attribute

    "type": "array",
    "items": {
        "anyOf": [
            {"$ref": "#/$defs/Connection"},
                "pattern": f"^{CONNECTION_PATTERN}$",
                "type": "string",
    "title": "Connections",
    "type": "array",


Bases: list[T]

Source code in src/qref/
class NamedList(list[T]):
    def by_name(self) -> _ProxyMapping[T]:
        return _ProxyMapping(self)

    def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(cls, source, handler):
        args = get_args(source)
        schema = handler.generate_schema(list[args[0]])
        return core_schema.no_info_after_validator_function(NamedList, schema)

by_name property

by_name: _ProxyMapping[T]

__get_pydantic_core_schema__ classmethod

__get_pydantic_core_schema__(source, handler)
Source code in src/qref/
def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(cls, source, handler):
    args = get_args(source)
    schema = handler.generate_schema(list[args[0]])
    return core_schema.no_info_after_validator_function(NamedList, schema)


Bases: BaseModel

Description of Port in V1 schema

Source code in src/qref/
class PortV1(BaseModel):
    """Description of Port in V1 schema"""

    name: _Name
    direction: Literal["input", "output", "through"]
    size: _Value | None
    model_config = ConfigDict(title="Port")

name instance-attribute

name: _Name

direction instance-attribute

direction: Literal['input', 'output', 'through']

size instance-attribute

size: _Value | None

model_config class-attribute instance-attribute

model_config = ConfigDict(title='Port')


Bases: BaseModel

Description of Connection in V1 schema

Source code in src/qref/
class ConnectionV1(BaseModel):
    """Description of Connection in V1 schema"""

    source: _OptionallyNamespacedName
    target: _OptionallyNamespacedName

    model_config = ConfigDict(title="Connection", use_enum_values=True)

source instance-attribute

source: _OptionallyNamespacedName

target instance-attribute

target: _OptionallyNamespacedName

model_config class-attribute instance-attribute

model_config = ConfigDict(
    title="Connection", use_enum_values=True


Bases: BaseModel

Description of Resource in V1 schema

Source code in src/qref/
class ResourceV1(BaseModel):
    """Description of Resource in V1 schema"""

    name: _Name
    type: Literal["additive", "multiplicative", "qubits", "other"]
    value: _Value | None

    model_config = ConfigDict(title="Resource")

name instance-attribute

name: _Name

type instance-attribute

type: Literal[
    "additive", "multiplicative", "qubits", "other"

value instance-attribute

value: _Value | None

model_config class-attribute instance-attribute

model_config = ConfigDict(title='Resource')


Bases: BaseModel

Description of Parameter link in V1 schema

Source code in src/qref/
class ParamLinkV1(BaseModel):
    """Description of Parameter link in V1 schema"""

    source: _OptionallyNamespacedName
    targets: list[_MultiNamespacedName]

    model_config = ConfigDict(title="ParamLink")

source instance-attribute

source: _OptionallyNamespacedName

targets instance-attribute

targets: list[_MultiNamespacedName]

model_config class-attribute instance-attribute

model_config = ConfigDict(title='ParamLink')


Bases: BaseModel

Description of a constant sequence in a V1 Schema.

In a constant sequence we repeat an element multiplier times in each iteration.

Source code in src/qref/
class ConstantSequenceV1(BaseModel):
    """Description of a constant sequence in a V1 Schema.

    In a constant sequence we repeat an element `multiplier` times in each iteration.

    type: Literal["constant"]
    multiplier: _Value = 1

type instance-attribute

type: Literal['constant']

multiplier class-attribute instance-attribute

multiplier: _Value = 1


Bases: BaseModel

Description of an arithmetic sequence in a V1 Schema.

In an arithmetic sequence we start from initial_term repetitions of an element, and in each iteration we increase it by difference.

Source code in src/qref/
class ArithmeticSequenceV1(BaseModel):
    """Description of an arithmetic sequence in a V1 Schema.

    In an arithmetic sequence we start from `initial_term` repetitions of an element,
    and in each iteration we increase it by `difference`.

    type: Literal["arithmetic"]
    initial_term: _Value = 0
    difference: _Value

type instance-attribute

type: Literal['arithmetic']

initial_term class-attribute instance-attribute

initial_term: _Value = 0

difference instance-attribute

difference: _Value


Bases: BaseModel

Description of a geometric sequence in a V1 Schema.

In a geometric sequence we start from 1 repetition of an element, and in each iteration we multiply it by ratio.

Source code in src/qref/
class GeometricSequenceV1(BaseModel):
    """Description of a geometric sequence in a V1 Schema.

    In a geometric sequence we start from 1 repetition of an element,
    and in each iteration we multiply it by `ratio`.

    type: Literal["geometric"]
    ratio: _Value

type instance-attribute

type: Literal['geometric']

ratio instance-attribute

ratio: _Value


Bases: BaseModel

Description of a sequence with known closed-form for a sum or product in a V1 Schema.

If sum/prod are specified, they can be used to calculate these values for a given sequence. Expressions for sum/prod should use num_terms_symbol to represent the total number of terms.

Source code in src/qref/
class ClosedFormSequenceV1(BaseModel):
    """Description of a sequence with known closed-form for a sum or product in a V1 Schema.

    If `sum`/`prod` are specified, they can be used to calculate these values for a given sequence.
    Expressions for `sum`/`prod` should use `num_terms_symbol` to represent the total number of terms.

    type: Literal["closed_form"]
    sum: _Value | None = None
    prod: _Value | None = None
    num_terms_symbol: str

type instance-attribute

type: Literal['closed_form']

sum class-attribute instance-attribute

sum: _Value | None = None

prod class-attribute instance-attribute

prod: _Value | None = None

num_terms_symbol instance-attribute

num_terms_symbol: str


Bases: BaseModel

Description of a custom sequence in a V1 Schema.

For sequences which do not fall into categories defined in other classes, one can use a custom representation. It is an explicit representation of a sequence where term_expression defines the expression for each term in the sequence and iterator_symbol is used to represent number of the iteration.

Source code in src/qref/
class CustomSequenceV1(BaseModel):
    """Description of a custom sequence in a V1 Schema.

    For sequences which do not fall into categories defined in other classes, one can use a custom representation.
    It is an explicit representation of a sequence where `term_expression` defines the expression for each term
    in the sequence and `iterator_symbol` is used to represent number of the iteration.

    type: Literal["custom"]
    term_expression: str
    iterator_symbol: str = "i"

type instance-attribute

type: Literal['custom']

term_expression instance-attribute

term_expression: str

iterator_symbol class-attribute instance-attribute

iterator_symbol: str = 'i'


Bases: BaseModel

Description of a repetition of a routine in V1 schema.

Source code in src/qref/
class RepetitionV1(BaseModel):
    """Description of a repetition of a routine in V1 schema."""

    count: int | str
    sequence: ConstantSequenceV1 | ArithmeticSequenceV1 | GeometricSequenceV1 | ClosedFormSequenceV1 | CustomSequenceV1

count instance-attribute

count: int | str

sequence instance-attribute

sequence: (
    | ArithmeticSequenceV1
    | GeometricSequenceV1
    | ClosedFormSequenceV1
    | CustomSequenceV1


Bases: BaseModel

Description of Routine in V1 schema.


This is NOT a top-level object in the schema. Instead, RoutineV1 is wrapped in SchemaV1.

Source code in src/qref/
class RoutineV1(BaseModel):
    """Description of Routine in V1 schema.

        This is NOT a top-level object in the schema. Instead, RoutineV1 is wrapped in SchemaV1.

    name: _Name
    children: NamedList[RoutineV1] = Field(default_factory=NamedList)
    type: str | None = None
    ports: Annotated[NamedList[PortV1], _name_sorter] = Field(default_factory=NamedList)
    resources: Annotated[NamedList[ResourceV1], _name_sorter] = Field(default_factory=NamedList)
    connections: Annotated[list[Annotated[ConnectionV1, _connection_parser]], _source_sorter] = []
    input_params: list[_OptionallyMultiNamespacedName] = []
    local_variables: dict[str, str] = {}
    linked_params: Annotated[list[ParamLinkV1], _source_sorter] = []
    repetition: RepetitionV1 | None = None
    meta: dict[str, Any] = {}
    model_config = ConfigDict(title="Routine", validate_assignment=True)

    def __init__(self, **data: Any):
        super().__init__(**{k: v for k, v in data.items() if v != [] and v != {}})

    def _validate_connections(self) -> Self:
        children_port_names = [f"{}.{}" for child in self.children for port in child.ports]
        parent_port_names = [ for port in self.ports]
        available_port_names = set(children_port_names + parent_port_names)

        missed_ports = [
            for connection in self.connections
            for port in (connection.source,
            if port not in available_port_names
        if missed_ports:
            raise ValueError(
                "The following ports appear in a connection but are not "
                f"among routine's port or their children's ports: {missed_ports}."
        return self

name instance-attribute

name: _Name

children class-attribute instance-attribute

children: NamedList[RoutineV1] = Field(

type class-attribute instance-attribute

type: str | None = None

ports class-attribute instance-attribute

ports: Annotated[NamedList[PortV1], _name_sorter] = Field(

resources class-attribute instance-attribute

resources: Annotated[
    NamedList[ResourceV1], _name_sorter
] = Field(default_factory=NamedList)

connections class-attribute instance-attribute

connections: Annotated[
    list[Annotated[ConnectionV1, _connection_parser]],
] = []

input_params class-attribute instance-attribute

input_params: list[_OptionallyMultiNamespacedName] = []

local_variables class-attribute instance-attribute

local_variables: dict[str, str] = {}

linked_params class-attribute instance-attribute

linked_params: Annotated[
    list[ParamLinkV1], _source_sorter
] = []

repetition class-attribute instance-attribute

repetition: RepetitionV1 | None = None

meta class-attribute instance-attribute

meta: dict[str, Any] = {}

model_config class-attribute instance-attribute

model_config = ConfigDict(
    title="Routine", validate_assignment=True


__init__(**data: Any)
Source code in src/qref/
def __init__(self, **data: Any):
    super().__init__(**{k: v for k, v in data.items() if v != [] and v != {}})


generate_schema_v1() -> dict[str, Any]

Generate Routine schema V1.

The schema is generated from DocumentRootV1 model, and then enriched with additional fields "title" and "$schema".

Source code in src/qref/
def generate_schema_v1() -> dict[str, Any]:
    """Generate Routine schema V1.

    The schema is generated from DocumentRootV1 model, and then enriched with
    additional fields "title" and "$schema".
    return SchemaV1.model_json_schema(schema_generator=_GenerateV1JsonSchema)