Here we will describe how the compilation process in Bartiq works. Please keep in mind, that while we try to keep this page up-to-date, in the end the code is the only source-of-truth. If you notice any discrepancies, between what's described here and how Bartiq behaves, please create an issue ⧉!
Bird's eye perspective on compilation
Compilation is a very overloaded word, so let us start by explaining what we mean by compiling a routine in Bartiq.
Quantum programs are often deeply nested structures. A program can call multiple routines, which themselves call other routines, and so on. One typically defines resources of each routine at the local level using available local symbols and variables. However, in the end, we are typically interested in resources used by each routine expressed in terms of input parameters of the whole program.
Here's an example to illustrate what we're talking about. Below we show a routine with two children, each of them having some example resource defined in terms of their local parameters.
version: v1
name: root
- N
- {"name": "in_0", "size": "N", "direction": "input"}
- {"name": "out_0", "size": null, "direction": "output"}
- {"name": "x", "value": "a.x + b.x", "type": "additive"}
- name: "a"
- {"name": "in_0", "size": "L", "direction": "input"}
- {"name": "out_0", "size": "2 * L", "direction": "output"}
- {"name": "x", "value": "L**2", "type": "additive"}
- name: "b"
- {"name": "in_0", "size": "L", "direction": "input"}
- {"name": "out_0", "size": "2 * L", "direction": "output"}
- {"name": "x", "value": "L ** 2", "type": "additive"}
- in_0 -> a.in_0
- a.out_0 -> b.in_0
- b.out_0 -> out_0
As we can see, both a
and b
have a resource x
defined relatively to their input port size L
. However, when
looked globally, those resources would have a different value. Indeed, let's see how the port sizes propagate.
- The input port of the top-level
routine of sizeN
is connected to the input port of routinea
. Hence, when viewed through global scope, the input port ofa
has sizeN
. - The output port of routine
has, by definition, size twice as large as its input port. It is connected to input port of routineb
, and thereforeb.in_0
has size2N
Looking at the resources of a
and b
we see that x
is defined as square of their respective input port sizes. Thus,
has value of N ** 2
, and b.x
has value (2 * N) ** 2 = 4 * N ** 2
This is what the compilation process is all about. Given a routine with all its components defined in terms of local symbols and parameters, Bartiq produces a compiled routine in which all port sizes and resources are defined in terms of the global input symbols of top-level routine.
Compilation in details
Compilation can be viewed as recursive process. At every recursive call, several things need to happen in correct order. Below we outline how the compilation proceeds.
Step 1: Preprocessing
The Bartiq's compilation engine makes several assumptions about the routine being compiled, which simplify its code
at the expense of flexibility. For instance, Bartiq assumes all port sizes are single parameters of size #port_name
Another, very important assumption, is that there are no parameter links reaching deeper than one level of nesting.
Writing a routine conforming to those requirements by hand is possible, but tedious. Instead, Bartiq allows for violation of some of its assumptions, and preprocesses the routine so that all the requirements are met.
As an example, suppose some port in_0
has size 1
. Bartiq replaces this size with #in_0
, and then adds a
constraint saying that #in_0 = 1
Currently, there are following preprocessing stages:
- Introduction of default additive resources. This stage allows users to define the additive resources for leafs,
and then adds the same resource to each of the higher-level routines, by defining it as a sum of the resource over all children that define it.
In the example we discussed previously, this preprocessing step would allow uas to skip the definition of
resoruce inroot
and instead have it automatically defined by Bartiq. - Propagation of linked params. In this stage all linked parameters reaching further than to the direct descendant are converted into a series of direct parameter links. This is useful, because you can e.g. link parameter from the top-level routine to a parameter arbitrarily deep in the program structure, and it will still work, despite Bartiq's compilation engine requirement on having only direct links.
- Promotion of ulinked inputs. Compilation cannot handle parameters that are not linked or pased through connections. To avoid unnecessary compilation errors, Bartiq will promote such parameter to a parameter linked to newly introduced parent's input.
- Introduction of port variables. As discussed above, this step converts all ports so that they have sizes equal to a single-parameter expression of known name, while also introducing constraints to make sure that no information is lost in the process.
It is hopefully clear by now that preprocessing allows user for writing more concise and readable routines, while at the same time ensuring that strict requirements of compilation engine are met.
Step 2: Recursive compilation of routines
As already mentioned, the compilation process is recursive. While Bartiq processes any given routine, it maintains a parameter map for all the routine's children. This map gets populated whenever new piece of information is obtained, and then passed to the recursive call when each child is being compiled.
Step 2.1: Compilation of constraints
At the very beginning of the compilation, Bartiq evaluates the constraints introduced in preprocessing. If any
of the constraints is violated, a BartiqCompiilationError
is raised. Constraints that are trivially satisfied
are dropped from the system, and other constraints are retained.
Step 2.2: Compilation of local variables
As the next step, local variables of the routine are expressed in terms of variables passed from its parent (this step does nothing for the root routine). As the result, all local variables are expressed in terms of global parameters.
Step 2.3: Compilation of non-output ports
Input and through port sizes of any routine can only depend on its inputs and local variables. Thus, those objects are perfect to be compiled next.
After each port is compiled, Bartiq checks if this port is connected to other port in the routine. If so, a
corresponding entry in parameter tree is added. For instance, suppose that port in_0
got compiled and has now
size N
. If this port is connected to port in_1
of child a
, a parameter map for a
will contain entry
mapping #in_1
to N
Step 2.4: Recursive compilation of children
The children are traversed in topological order, which ensures all required entries in the parameter maps are populated before other children are compiled.
Once this step is completed, we can be sure that all resources and ports of each child are expressed in terms of global variables, which is a requirement for the next step.
Step 2.4: Compilation of repetition
In case a routine is repeated (i.e. has a non-empty repetition
field), its resources get updated according
to the repetition rules and the repetition specification itself gets updated using the parameter map.
Step 2.5: Resource compilation
Resources of the routine are compiled, which is possible only at this stage, as they can be expressed in terms of resources of its children.
Step 2.6: Output port compilation
Finally, the output ports are compiled, and the new object representing compiled routine is created.
Step 3: Postprocessing
After compilation is done, there might be certain operations that the user might want to perform on a compiled routine, e.g.: calculating some derived resources. Currently, there are no postprocessing steps present by default.